Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Every so often I drop “Big News” here at the LazyBlog… and most of the time the news is related to my webcomix. Hardly ever is the news related to my lettering work.

But today it is, and the reason being is that after this week, I’ll no longer be lettering.

After 7 years I’ve finally decided to move on. It’s been on my mind for a long time and after sniffing around for other opportunities for about a year, I’ve found one that feels right. I’ll be back in the rat race that is the New York City rush hour commute and I’m actually really excited about it. Sure I’ll miss being at home and working in sweatpants and slippers but in a weird way I was never comfortable with it.

There’s a bunch of factors that have gone into my reasons for leaving lettering, not all of which I’ll go into but one was that I’m just incredibly burned out and horribly jaded. And the longer I do this and the more jaded and cynical I become the more that poison seeps into my own work. And sure I don’t get paid for my own work but the comic work I am getting paid for doesn’t feel like my own work anyway. I need an injection of fun into my comics and the idea of 100% of my creative energy going into my own work just seems like the right thing to do. Plus I’m hoping that some time away from mainstream comics will make me actually care about them again.

So hey, thanks for reading and don’t forget to check out Randall over at Pixelstrips. The next chapter is ready to roll and I’m be coloring that bad boy today.

Thanks for reading.


Thomas Mauer said...

Oh man, sad to see you go, Randy, but good luck with the new job and your own comics!

Jared said...

Sounds cool. So what will you be doing? You won't miss lettering. I know that for sure.

Anonymous said...

Randy- Youre going to knock it outta the park. Congrats on the new opportunity. Cant wait to see your new stuff, too!

RandolphG said...

I almost popped a tear... almost.

Thanks for the kind words, folks.